Therapy for Physicians and Legal Professionals

When you work in the medical field or law, it can be hard to put yourself first. Long hours and stressful interactions with patients or clients can wear you down, leaving you with little energy to devote to your own health and well-being.

Do you even remember what self-care is or why it's so important?

Clients in high-pressure, emotionally taxing careers often experience burnout, stress, and unique challenges that can be difficult to address with a general therapist.

Therapists who specialize in working with professionals like you can offer tailored support by understanding the specific demands of your field. They can help you:

  1. Combat Burnout: Addressing chronic stress and exhaustion often linked to demanding work schedules and high expectations.
  2. Improve Work-Life Balance: Assisting you in creating boundaries and prioritizing self-care while managing a busy career.
  3. Find Fulfillment: Helping you reconnect with your personal and professional goals to foster a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
  4. Coping with Unique Stressors: Therapists with this specialization are often more equipped to address the mental and emotional challenges unique to healthcare and legal professions, such as patient or client responsibility, ethical dilemmas, and high-stakes decision-making. ...Which can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression; therapy can help develop coping mechanisms, manage stress, improve work-life balance, and enhance overall mental well-being

By working with a therapist who understands the nuances of your profession, you're more likely to experience a more profound sense of personal and professional fulfillment.

You’ve worked your butt off to have a successful career. You’re not only a high achiever, but also used to functioning at the top of your game despite grinding yourself into the ground to do so.

Most Clients come in feeling pretty certain that no amount of therapy or other lifestyle changes can address the systemic, unchangeable realities of professions that inherently contribute to stress and struggle.

Together, we can explore what well-being looks like for you and how to make effective, lasting changes to improve your mental health and ensure balance in life and longevity in the career you worked so hard for.
We can:
  • Increase self compassion
  • Improve self-awareness
  • Improve patient and client interactions
  • Emotionally integrate stressful experiences
  • Explore your identity
  • Improve your mental health


Medical Professionals
For many physicians, burnout feels like a way of life.

You've been used to the long days and sleepless nights since residency. And you may have coped by telling yourself that things will get better once you cross the finish line of residency and/or fellowship.

But then you get to the other side and are finally an attending physician, only to find that you’re still feeling constantly drained, exhausted, overwhelmed, and even resentful about life as a doctor.  Compassion fatigue is a real thing...

And if scheduling is difficult, we can also do a mixture of online and in person therapy.

Legal Professionals
For many lawyers, burnout feels like a way of life.

I help lawyers create more balance and resilience, heal from  burnout and exhaustion, and feel deeper happiness and meaning in life–without sacrificing the fortitude and grit that got you this far.

Since your role as a lawyer has been a big part of your identity and self-worth, it can be incredibly anxiety-provoking when you notice burnout creep up or that you no longer feel satisfied or fulfilled in life.

