valuable, flexible, available, confidential, bespoke, timely
I offer daytime and evening appointments.
I provide flexibility in scheduling for creative artists, professionals, and partners who may have complex schedules that may be otherwise difficult to coordinate. I also provide concierge home visits for some clients at an additional cost.
Reaching out and asking for help can be difficult. With that in mind, my consultations are conversational and as comfortable as possible, especially when speaking about difficult topics.
When you phone, you will get my personal voicemail or I will answer your call myself. Please leave a voicemail as I am often in session and not monitoring my phone. Ensuring your privacy is of the utmost importance, especially among my client base. You will never have to speak with a secretary, answering service, or receptionist. And unlike some practices, you will never be transferred to an associate or intern. If required, private video consultations can also be arranged.
Sessions via Telehealth (Video) are attended through an encrypted, HIPAA-compliant mental health platform (available as an app on your phone or through your browser). Telehealth psychotherapy makes therapy accessible from anywhere you have internet access.
I offer face-to-face sessions in West Hollywood, California. Please ask me about availability before scheduling your intake.
For questions or to schedule a consultation:
Please note that there are limitations to confidentiality involved in electronic transmissions.
PLEASE check out my FAQ page before secheduling a consultation. I will get back to you via email or a 212 number. You are also welcome to text!
What to expect…
If you are interested in pursuing treatment, the first step is contacting me to schedule a 10-15 minute phone consultation. During this consultation, I will answer questions you may have regarding my practice and my potential fit for you as a therapist. We will also briefly discuss what is bringing you to therapy at this time, and what you are looking for. If we decide to proceed with therapy, we will schedule an initial intake assessment appointment and I will provide you with a Good Faith Estimate that breaks down all fees. -
What to expect…
Our first session functions as an initial assessment for both myself and my clients. During this appointment, we will discuss what you are looking for from treatment, learn about your symptoms, and explore the impact they have had on you and your life. I will ask questions about your background, treatment history, relationships, education, and medical issues. These questions help me understand what is going on in your life right now. Finally, I will present to you my understanding of what you’ve told me as a case formulation, and we will collaboratively create a treatment plan that focuses on your goals. This session is a diagnostic evaluation/assessment interview. -
What to expect…
Most therapy involves weekly 50-minute sessions. Some treatments can be bi-monthly upon discussion with me, and some treatments may have other requirements (i.e., CBCT requires 90-minute sessions). More often than not, I will require a minimum of 6-12 weeks of weekly sessions before moving to bi-monthly. These nuances will be discussed in your assessment session. Often, evidence-based therapies last 12-25 weeks, and research suggests that there is little benefit to continuing treatment beyond 25 sessions. Therapy is an investment in your future, your well-being, and your relationships. People who work with me can expect to reach their goals in a reasonable length of time.

Couples Client, May 2022